Skicka of the Following Situation Situation Situation Reviews of Specialized Rescue Team

International satellite-aided search and rescue initiative

International Cospas-Sarsat Program
Cospas-Sarsat Logo v2 3D.png
Established i July 1988 (definitive agreement signed; preceding memorandums of agreement signed 23 November 1979 and 5 October 1984)
Type Intergovernmental arrangement
Headquarters Montreal, Quebec, Canada


45 "participant" states
and agencies

  •  Algeria**
  •  Argentina**
  •  Australia**
  •  Brazil**
  •  Canada*
  •  Chile**
  •  China**
  •  Cyprus**
  •  Denmark
  •  Finland
  •  French republic*
  •  Deutschland
  •  Hellenic republic**
  •  India***
  •  Republic of indonesia**
  •  Italy**
  •  Japan**
  •  Korea**
  •  Malaysia**
  •  Netherlands
  •  New Zealand**
  •  Nigeria
  •  Norway**
  •  Pakistan**
  •  Peru**
  •  Poland
  •  Qatar**
  •  Russian federation*
  •  Kingdom of saudi arabia**
  •  Serbia
  •  Singapore**
  •  South Africa**
  •  Spain**
  •  Sweden
  •  Switzerland
  •  Thailand**
  •  Togo**
  •  Tunisia
  •  Turkey**
  •  United Arab Emirates**
  •  United Kingdom**
  •  Usa*
  •  Vietnam**
  • Hong Kong, China, Marine Department**
  • International Telecommunication Development Company (Taiwan)**
  • *Party State, and Infinite- and Ground-Segment Provider
  • **Ground-Segment Provider
  • ***Space- and Ground-Segment Provider

    Additionally, although non Country Participants, the European Spousal relationship, through its Galileo Programme,[1] is a Space- and Ground-Segment Provider, and EUMETSAT is a Infinite-Segment Provider

Official languages


Head of Secretariat

Steven Lett

Council Chair (rotating)

Bruno Chazal (French republic)

The International Cospas-Sarsat Programme is a satellite-aided search and rescue (SAR) initiative. It is organized as a treaty-based, nonprofit, intergovernmental, humanitarian cooperative of 45 nations and agencies (meet infobox). It is defended to detecting and locating emergency locator radio beacons activated by persons, aircraft or vessels in distress, and forwarding this alert information to authorities that can take activity for rescue.[2] [3] [four]

Distress alerts are detected, located and forwarded to over 200 countries and territories at no cost to beacon owners or the receiving government agencies.[5] Cospas-Sarsat was conceived and initiated by Canada, France, the United States, and the former Soviet Union in 1979.[6] The first rescue using the technology of Cospas-Sarsat occurred in September 1982.[7] [eight] The definitive understanding of the organisation was signed past those iv States as the "Parties" to the agreement on 1 July 1988.

Background [edit]

Cospas-Sarsat is best known as the system that detects and locates emergency beacons activated by aircraft, ships and people engaged in recreational activities in remote areas, and and then sends these distress alerts to search-and-rescue (SAR) authorities. Distress beacons capable of being detected by the Cospas-Sarsat Arrangement (currently 406-MHz beacons) are available from several manufacturers and vendor bondage. Cospas-Sarsat does not make or sell beacons.

Between September 1982 and December 2020 the Cospas-Sarsat System provided aid in rescuing at least 53,790 people in 16,514 SAR events. In 2018, 2019 and 2020 (the latest yr for which statistics accept been compiled), Cospas-Sarsat assistance included the following:[9]

Year People Rescued SAR Events → Aviation Land Maritime
2020 two,278 951 23% 37% 40%
2019 2,774 i.032 20% 42% 38%
2018 2,185 904 18% 44% 38%

These statistics under-count the number of events where Cospas-Sarsat assisted, because they only include cases when an accurate written report from SAR personnel is provided back through reporting channels to the Cospas-Sarsat Secretariat.

Cospas-Sarsat does non undertake search-and-rescue operations. This is the responsibleness of national administrations that have accepted responsibleness for SAR in various geographic regions of the earth (typically the same geographic surface area as their flying information region). Cospas-Sarsat provides alert information to those authorities.

Cospas-Sarsat cooperates with United Nations-affiliated agencies, such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Maritime System (IMO), and the International Telecommunication Marriage (ITU), among other international organizations, to ensure the compatibility of the Cospas-Sarsat distress alerting services with the needs, the standards and the applicable recommendations of the global community.[10] Cospas-Sarsat is an element of the IMO's Global Maritime Distress Rubber System (GMDSS), and is expected to get a component of ICAO'due south Global Aeronautical Distress and Prophylactic Organisation (GADSS). The IMO requires automatic-activating Cospas-Sarsat beacons (EPIRBs, come across below) on all vessels subject area to requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Ocean (so-chosen SOLAS-class vessels), commercial fishing vessels, and all passenger ships in international waters. Similarly, ICAO requires Cospas-Sarsat beacons aboard aircraft on international flights.[11] National administrations often impose requirements in addition to the international requirements of those agencies.

Cospas-Sarsat simply monitors for alerts from digital distress beacons that transmit on 406 MHz (and so-called 406 beacons). Older beacons that transmit using the legacy analog signal on 121.five MHz or 243 MHz rely on being received merely by nearby aircraft or rescue personnel. For satellite reception of alerts by Cospas-Sarsat the buoy must be a model that transmits at 406 MHz.[5]

Cospas-Sarsat has received many honors for its humanitarian work, including induction into the Space Foundation's Space Applied science Hall of Fame for space technologies improving the quality of life for all humanity.[12] [13]

Arrangement operation [edit]

The components and operation of the Cospas-Sarsat arrangement

The system consists of a ground segment and a space segment that include:

  • Distress radio-beacons to be activated in a life-threatening emergency
  • SAR point repeaters (SARR) and SAR signal processors (SARP) aboard satellites
  • Satellite downlink receiving and signal processing ground stations called LUTs (local user terminals)
  • Mission control centres (MCCs) that distribute to rescue coordination centres distress warning data (specially beacon location data) generated by the LUTs
  • Rescue coordination centres (RCCs) that facilitate coordination of the SAR agency and personnel response to a distress situation.

Beacons [edit]

A Cospas-Sarsat distress beacon is a digital 406-MHz radio transmitter that can be activated in a life-threatening emergency to summon assistance from government authorities. Beacons are manufactured and sold by dozens of vendors. They are classified in iii main types. The beacons designed for use in an aircraft is known as an emergency locator transmitter (ELT). 1 designed for use aboard a marine vessel is chosen an emergency position-indicating radio beacon (EPIRB). And i that is designed to be carried past an individual is known as a personal locator buoy (PLB). Sometimes PLBs are carried aboard aircraft or vessels, but whether this satisfies prophylactic requirements depends on local regulations.[5] A Cospas-Sarsat beacon does not transmit until information technology is activated in an emergency (or when certain testing features are activated past the user). Some beacons are designed to be manually activated past a person pressing a button, and some others are designed for automatic activation in certain circumstances (due east.chiliad., ELTs may be automatically activated past a physical stupor, such equally in a crash, and EPIRBs may exist automatically activated by contact with water). There are no subscription or other costs imposed by Cospas-Sarsat for beacon ownership or use. (Some countries may impose licensing and/or registration charges for beacon ownership, and some jurisdictions may assess costs for rescue operations.)[14] Come across below for contempo beacon innovations.

Space segment [edit]

The Cospas-Sarsat system operational infinite segment consists of SARR and/or SARP instruments aboard:[xv]

  • Five satellites in polar low-distance Earth orbit with LEOSAR (low-altitude Earth orbit search-and-rescue) payloads
  • Eleven satellites in geostationary Earth orbit with GEOSAR (geostationary Earth orbit search-and-rescue) payloads
  • 46 satellites in medium-altitude Earth orbit with MEOSAR (medium-altitude Earth orbit search-and-rescue) payloads

A SARR or SARP musical instrument is a secondary payload and associated antennas attached to those satellites every bit an adjunct to the primary satellite mission. A SARR instrument retransmits a buoy distress signal to a satellite ground station in real time. A SARP instrument records the data from the distress signal so that the information can later be gathered by a ground station when the satellite passes overhead.

Ground segment [edit]

The satellites are monitored by receiving ground stations (LUTs) equipped to track (point at and follow) the satellites using satellite dishes or phased antenna arrays. LUTs are installed by individual national administrations or agencies. The distress messages received by a LUT are transferred to an associated mission control centre which uses a detailed gear up of computer algorithms to road the letters to rescue coordination centres worldwide.

System architecture [edit]

When a distress beacon is activated, the Cospas-Sarsat system:

  • decodes the binary coded message of the beacon, which contains information such as the identity of the vessel/shipping and, for beacons equipped with the characteristic, the location of the buoy derived from a local navigation source (such every bit a GPS receiver incorporated into the beacon's blueprint).
  • performs a mathematical analysis of the signal to calculate the location of the beacon, even if the beacon'south location is not reported in the distress bulletin.

The Cospas-Sarsat system is the but satellite distress alerting system that is capable of this dual, redundant means of locating an activated distress beacon.

The SARR and/or SARP instrument typically is attached to a satellite that is being launched primarily for another purpose. The primary mission of all of the LEOSAR and GEOSAR satellites is meteorological (gathering of weather data). The primary mission of all of the MEOSAR satellites is navigation.

LEOSAR [edit]

Example of LEOSAR signal footprint.

LEOSAR was the original Cospas-Sarsat space segment compages. The complementary LEOSAR-satellite orbits provide periodic coverage of the unabridged Globe. Considering of their relatively low altitude (and therefore, relatively small "footprint" of visibility of whatever particular part of the Earth at any given time), there are intervals of time when a LEOSAR satellite may not be over a particular geographic location. And so at that place can exist a delay in receiving an alert signal, and a delay in relaying that betoken to the ground. For this reason, LEOSAR satellites are equipped with the "store-and-frontward" SARP modules in improver to "real-time" SARR modules. The satellite can laissez passer over a remote surface area of the Earth and receive a distress bulletin, and then forwards that information afterward when information technology passes into view of a ground station (that typically are located in less remote areas). The five satellites in the LEOSAR constellation have approximately 100 minute orbits. Because of their polar orbits the latency between satellite passes overhead is smallest at the poles and college latitudes.

The Cospas-Sarsat LEOSAR system was fabricated possible by Doppler processing. LUTs detecting distress signals relayed past LEOSAR satellites perform mathematical calculations based on the Doppler-induced frequency shift received past the satellites as they pass over a beacon transmitting at a fixed frequency. From the mathematical calculations, it is possible to make up one's mind both bearing and range with respect to the satellite. The range and begetting are measured from the charge per unit of change of the received frequency, which varies both according to the path of the satellite in space and the rotation of the Earth. This allows a reckoner algorithm to trilaterate the position of the beacon. A faster modify in the received frequency indicates that the buoy is closer to the satellite'southward basis runway. When the beacon is moving toward or away from the satellite rails due to the Earth'south rotation, the Doppler shift induced by that motility also tin can be used in the calculation.

GEOSAR [edit]

Considering their geostationary orbit does not provide a relative motion between a distress beacon and a GEOSAR (Geostationary Search And Rescue) satellite, at that place is no opportunity to utilise the Doppler effect to calculate the location of a beacon. Therefore, the GEOSAR satellites but can relay a beacon's distress bulletin. If the buoy is a model with a feature to report its location (due east.g., from an on-board GPS receiver) so that location is relayed to SAR authorities. While the inability to independently locate a beacon is a drawback of GEOSAR satellites, those satellites have an reward in that the present constellation well covers the entire Earth in real time, except for the polar regions.

MEOSAR [edit]

The most recent infinite segment augmentation for Cospas-Sarsat is MEOSAR (Medium Earth Orbiting Search and Rescue). MEOSAR blends the advantages of the LEOSAR and GEOSAR systems, while fugitive the drawbacks. Over time there will exist more than lxx MEOSAR satellites, and the MEOSAR system will become the dominant infinite-segment capability of Cospas-Sarsat. In add-on to the large number of satellites, the MEOSAR system benefits from relatively big satellite footprints and sufficient satellite movement relative to a signal on the ground to allow the utilise of Doppler measurements every bit office of the method of calculating a distress beacon's location. MEOSAR consists of SARR transponders aboard the post-obit navigation-satellite constellations: the European Spousal relationship's Galileo, Russia's Glonass, and the Usa' Global Positioning System (GPS).[sixteen] [17] [18] [xix] People's republic of china launched Cospas-Sarsat SAR payloads aboard half dozen of its BeiDou (BDS) navigation spacecraft. The first SAR-equipped BDS spacecraft was launched on 19 September 2018, and the terminal on 23 November 2019. Work to integrate the BDS-spacecraft SAR payloads into the Cospas-Sarsat System is expected to proceed through 2022.

Operational distribution of MEOSAR alert data began at 1300 UTC on xiii December 2016. This operational phase of MEOSAR is known as the early operational capability (EOC), and is existence carried out with continued testing and adjustment in preparation for an initial operational capability (IOC) stage expected to be alleged in late 2022 or in 2023. The MEOSAR system advances the ability to provide nigh-instantaneous detection, identification, and location-determination of 406-MHz beacons. Prior to the operational introduction of MEOSAR, MEOSAR data was successfully used to assist in determining the crash location of EgyptAir flight 804 in the Mediterranean Sea.[20] The location of a distress beacon is calculated by the receiving LUT by analyzing the frequency-divergence-of-arrival (related to Doppler-induced variations), and/or the time-deviation-of-inflow of a buoy's radio indicate due to the differences in distance between the beacon and each MEOSAR satellite that may exist in view.

With respect to GPS-hosted payloads, experimental Southward-ring payloads aboard 18 GPS Block IIR and GPS Block IIF satellites, and four payloads aboard GPS Cake IIIA satellites are used operationally past the Cospas-Sarsat Arrangement. GPS Block IIIF satellites are planned to have dedicated, operational Fifty-band SAR payloads, with launches kickoff effectually 2026. The GPS SAR organization is known equally the Distress Alerting Satellite System (DASS) by NASA.[21] [22] [23]

Additionally, the Galileo component of the MEOSAR system is able to download information dorsum to the distress radio-beacon by encoding "Render Link Service" messages into the Galileo navigation data stream. It can be used to activate an indicator on the buoy to confirm receipt of the distress message.[24] [25] [26]

Ground segment [edit]

As at December 2019 the LEOSAR satellites are tracked and monitored by lx deputed LEOLUT (low-distance Earth-orbit local user terminals) antennas, the GEOSAR satellites by 25 commissioned GEOLUT antennas [1] and the MEOSAR satellites by 24 commissioned MEOLUT stations, each having multiple antennas. The data from these earth stations is transferred to and distributed by 32 MCCs established globally, of which 3 remain nether development.[27] [28] (See infobox for the countries and agencies that are ground-segment providers.)

Beacons [edit]

There has been ane transmission modulation method used by Cospas-Sarsat beacons since their inception more than 30 years agone, binary phase-shift keying (BPSK), with two immune bit-string lengths: 112 (with 87 bits of message information) and 144 (with 119 bits of bulletin data). Several message protocols are allowed in the bachelor message-bit cord to accommodate different kinds of beacons (ELTs, EPIRBs and PLBs), different vessel/aircraft identifiers, and dissimilar national requirements. The fourth dimension length of these transmissions is approximately one-one-half second. These narrowband transmissions occupy approximately iii kHz of bandwidth in a channelized scheme across the assigned 406.0 to 406.1 MHz band.[29]

Cospas-Sarsat is in the procedure of specifying a new, additional buoy modulation and bulletin scheme based on spread-spectrum engineering with quadrature stage-shift keying (QPSK). Presently beacons that will use this scheme are termed "second generation" beacons. This engineering science will allow the utilize of battery-saving lower-power transmissions, improve the accuracy of the decision of the beacon location by the Cospas-Sarsat System, and avoid the need for detached channelization in the assigned 406.0 to 406.1 MHz band (east.g., avoiding the need for periodic closing and opening of channels by Cospas-Sarsat for utilise past buoy manufacturers based on narrowband channel loading). Second-generation beacons will have a longer transmission period of one 2nd, with 250 transmitted bits, 202 of those existence message bits. Additionally, the data sent in the bulletin $.25 from ane transmission to the next can be changed on a rotating transmission schedule ("rotating message fields") to permit significantly more than data to be communicated over the course of a serial of transmission bursts.[30]

In response to recent commercial aviation disasters and new ICAO requirements for autonomous tracking of shipping in distress,[31] Cospas-Sarsat is finalizing specifications for ELTs for distress tracking (ELT(DT)southward) to meet the ICAO requirements. Whereas present ELTs are designed to activate on impact or by transmission activation by the flight crew, ELT(DT)s volition activate autonomously when an aircraft enters threatening flight configurations that have been predetermined by expert agencies. In this way, ELT(DT)s will let a plane in distress to be tracked in-flight, prior to any crash, without human intervention aboard the aircraft. ELT(DT)s are being specified using both the existing buoy manual method (narrowband BPSK) and the 2nd-generation (spread-spectrum QPSK) modulation schemes.

History [edit]

COSPAS-SARSAT international satellite system, search for ships and shipping in distress. Stamp of USSR, 1987.

First Legal framework [edit]

On 23 November 1979, a "memorandum of understanding apropos cooperation in a joint experimental satellite-aided search and rescue project" was signed in Leningrad, USSR, among the U.S. National Aeronautics and Infinite Administration, the USSR Ministry of Merchant Marine, the Eye National d'Etudes Spatiales of France, and the Department of Communications of Canada. Under Article 3 of the memorandum, it was stated that:[32]

"Cooperation volition be achieved through effecting interoperability between the SARSAT project and the COSPAS projection at 121.5MHz, 243MHz and in the 406.0 – 406.1 MHz ring and conducting of tests, common substitution of test results and preparation of a joint report. The objective of this cooperation is to demonstrate that equipment carried on low-distance, virtually polar-orbiting satellites can facilitate the detection and location of distress signals past relaying data from aircraft and ships in distress to footing stations, where the information processing is completed and passed to rescue services."

"This joint Project will permit the Parties to brand recommendations on follow-on global applications."

Development [edit]

The commencement system satellite, "COSPAS-1" (Kosmos 1383), was launched from Plesetsk Cosmodrome on June 29, 1982.[33] [34] [35] Cospas-Sarsat began tracking the 2 original types of distress beacons, EPIRBs and ELTs, in September, 1982. The first persons were rescued with the assistance of Cospas-Sarsat when the distress signal from a small plane was relayed by the COSPAS-i satellite to a then-experimental footing station in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The story has been related by the plane's pilot, Jonathan Ziegelheim, who rescue government judged would probably have died of his injuries if it were not for Cospas-Sarsat.[36] [37] [38]

Prior to the founding of Cospas-Sarsat, the civilian aviation customs had already been using the 121.5 MHz frequency for distress, while the military aviation community utilized 243.0 MHz as the primary distress frequency with the 121.v MHz frequency equally an alternate. In each instance, detection of the distress signal relied on reception by shipping passing nearby, and localization of the signal was done with Earth-based direction finding equipment. Satellites made information technology possible to expand this "local" search paradigm into a global capability.

Each of the four founding Party States took responsibleness for one of the major tasks in the project. The United States (with project leadership from NASA'due south Goddard Infinite Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD, U.s.) directed Datron Systems in Chatsworth, CA, USA to blueprint and build LUT ground stations to receive the downlink from the satellites. At Datron, a team designed a LUT with five horn antennas, and Jeffrey Pawlan designed the downconverter and the specialized monopulse receiver capable of locking onto the downlink from the satellites. France and Canada were responsible for the data generation and decoding. They designed the computer that determined the approximate position of the beacon from the Doppler shift of the beacon's signal caused by the relative motion of the buoy and the receiving satellite. The former Soviet Union was responsible for the design and construction of the first satellite to exist launched. Engineers from all four countries met in Moscow in February 1982 to successfully exam the operational functionality of all of the equipment together in the same laboratory.

The Party States led development of the 406-MHz marine EPIRB, that used a digital messaging scheme, for detection past the arrangement. The EPIRB was seen as a key advancement in SAR technology in the perilous maritime environment. The digital message allowed the beacon and its associated vessel to be uniquely identified. Early on in its history, the Cospas-Sarsat organisation was engineered to detect buoy-alerts transmitted at 406 MHz, 121.v MHz and 243.0 MHz. Because of a large number of simulated alerts, and the inability to uniquely identify such beacons because of their former, analogue technology (that provided no message, only a tone indicating distress), the Cospas-Sarsat system beginning in 2009 stopped receiving alerts from beacons operating at 121.five MHz and 243.0 MHz, and now only receives and processes alerts from modern, digital 406-MHz beacons. Many ELTs include both a 406-MHz transmitter for satellite detection and a 121.five MHz transmitter that can be received by local search crews using direction-finding equipment.

In the early on 2000s (in 2003 in the USA) a new type of distress beacon, the personal locator beacon (PLB), became bachelor [ii] for use by individuals who cannot contact emergency services through normal telephone-originated services, such as i-ane-2 or 9-1-one. Typically PLBs are used past people engaged in recreational activities in remote areas, and by small-scale-aircraft pilots and mariners equally an adjunct to (or, when permitted, a substitute for) an ELT or EPIRB.

The pattern of distress beacons equally a whole has evolved significantly since 1982. The newest 406-MHz beacons oft incorporate global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers (such equally those using GPS). Such beacons make up one's mind their location using the internal GNSS receiver (or a connexion to an external navigation source) and transmit in their distress message highly accurate position reports. This provides a 2nd method for Cospas-Sarsat to know the location of the distress, in addition to the calculations independently done past Cospas-Sarsat LUTs to decide the location. The distress alarm received by the satellites and the beacon location independent in the message and/or calculated from the distress point are forwarded nearly instantly to SAR agencies past Cospas-Sarsat's extensive international data-distribution network. This ii-tiered reliability and global coverage of the organisation has inspired the current motto of SAR agencies: "Taking the 'Search' out of Search and Rescue."[3]

COSPAS (КОСПАС) is an acronym for the Russian words "Cosmicheskaya Sistema Poiska Avariynyh Due southudov" (Космическая Система Поиска Аварийных Судов), which translates to "Space System for the Search of Vessels in Distress". SARSAT is an acronym for Due southearch And Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking.[39]

References [edit]

  1. ^ Galileo's Contribution to Cospas-Sarsat
  2. ^ International Cospas-Sarsat Programme Agreement – UN Treaty Series (PDF)
  3. ^ Cospas-Sarsat website, "International Cospas-Sarsat Programme Agreement" (PDF)
  4. ^ "Strategic Goals for the Cospas-Sarsat Programme", Cospas-Sarsat Strategic Programme (PDF), Cospas-Sarsat
  5. ^ a b c Cospas-Sarsat website, "What is a Cospas-Sarsat 406 MHz Beacon"
  6. ^ Space Foundation'southward Space Technology Hall of Fame inducted technology
  7. ^ The Washington Post, xxx September 1982, page A3
  8. ^ The Hartford Courant, 25 November 1982, page A6
  9. ^ Cospas-Sarsat website, "Cospas-Sarsat Organization Data No.46, Dec 2020" (PDF)
  10. ^ Cospas-Sarsat website, "Cospas-Sarsat Strategic Program", at section 2.1 (PDF)
  11. ^ AIN Online, "New ELT Rules from ICAO
  12. ^ Space Foundation Website
  13. ^ Infinite Technology Hall of Fame consecration ceremony
  14. ^ Cospas-Sarsat Website, "Handbook of (National) Beacon Regulations"
  15. ^ Cospas-Sarsat Website, "Current Infinite Segment Condition and SAR Payloads"
  16. ^ "SAR/Galileo Satellites Data". European GNSS Service Centre. 4 Dec 2021. Retrieved 4 December 2021.
  17. ^ "Search and Rescue (SAR) / Galileo Service". Eu Infinite Programme Agency. Retrieved nineteen December 2021.
  18. ^ "SAR Payload Characteristics". European GNSS Service Centre. Retrieved 19 December 2021.
  19. ^ "SAR/Galileo Satellites Information". European GNSS Service Centre. Retrieved 19 Dec 2021.
  20. ^ Clark, Nicola; Youssef, Nour (June 2016), "New York Times article, "Black Box from Missing EgyptAir Flight 804 is Said to be Detected"", The New York Times
  21. ^ GPS Globe (January 2011) : The Distress Alerting Satellite System (DASS)
  22. ^ "NASA - Taking the 'Search' out of Search and Rescue".
  23. ^ "Distress Alerting Satellite System (DASS)". Archived from the original on 11 June 2016.
  24. ^ "Beginning Galileo personal emergency beacon coming to 19 European countries". GPS Globe. 26 Oct 2020. Retrieved 2 December 2021.
  25. ^ "Galileo Search and Rescue Service – Navipedia".
  26. ^ Cospas-Sarsat Website, "Cospas-Sarsat Arrangement"
  27. ^ Cospas-Sarsat Website, "Cospas-Sarsat System Data" (PDF)
  28. ^ Cospas-Sarsat website, "Specification for Cospas-Sarsat 406 MHz Distress Beacons", at department 2 (PDF)
  29. ^ Cospas-Sarsat website, "Specification for 2nd-Generation Cospas-Sarsat 406-MHz Distress Beacons", at section 2 (PDF)
  30. ^ ICAO Update on the Global Aeronautical Distress and safety System (GADSS) Global Aircraft Tracking Initiatives (March 2016) (PDF)
  31. ^ Cospas-Sarsat website, "The History and Experience of the International Cospas-Sarsat Program for Satellite-Aided Search and Rescue", at page 20 (PDF)
  32. ^ Hillger, Don; Garry Toth. "COSPAS / SARSAT Plan". Colorado State University. Retrieved half dozen Oct 2011.
  33. ^ Krebs, Gunter Dirk. "Nadezhda". Retrieved 6 October 2011.
  34. ^ Kramer, Herbert J. "COSPAS-S&RSAT (International Satellite Arrangement for Search & Rescue Services)". eoportal. Retrieved vi October 2011. [ permanent dead link ]
  35. ^ Cospas-Sarsat Website, Information Message, page 2 (PDF)
  36. ^ The Washington Post, 30 September 1982, page A3
  37. ^ The Hartford Courant, 25 Nov 1982, page A6
  38. ^ "Cospas-Sarsat Glossary, document C/Due south K.004" (PDF).

External links [edit]

  • Official Website for the International Cospas-Sarsat Plan
  • International Astronautical Federation, "The History and Experience of the International Cospas-Sarsat Programme for Satellite-Aided Search and Rescue"
  • Official Website for the U.s.'s Sarsat Program
  • Official Website for NASA'southward Search-and-Rescue Mission Part
  • "Detailed SARSAT and COSPAS satellite data". Archived from the original on Baronial xv, 2015. Retrieved September eight, 2015.
  • "Lay Person Explanation of the Satellite Arrangement: COSPAS-SARSAT: xiv,000 Lives Saved and Counting". Archived from the original on January 13, 2015. Retrieved September 23, 2006. {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)

Coordinates: 41°08′04″N sixteen°50′04″Eastward  /  41.13444°North 16.83444°E  / 41.13444; sixteen.83444


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